Monday, November 12, 2012

A Thanksgiving for Reading

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, please share your gratitude for someone who helped you become a reader.  Did this person make reading an exciting part of the school day or your home?  Did he or she introduce you to wonderful books?  Were you a struggling reader, and this person opened your eyes to the world of reading? 

My dad was an excellent storyteller.  He would read books to my sister and me almost every night.  I remember one particular night when he grabbed a stuffed animal.  He gave it a silly voice to accompany a character, and he jabbed it into our faces to make us giggle.  It really made the book come alive, and we asked for that stuffed animal to be apart of our nightly reading for many, many nights to come.  I perceived reading as a fun way to spend my time, and I embraced reading all sorts of books as I grew.  Thank you, Dad, for nurturing my love for reading!